Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tens and Ones

Students have been working on identifying tens and ones in a given number.  

Here are some questions that you can ask your child to help them with this concept.

- How many tens are in the number 62?
- What number matches 2 tens and 4 ones?
-Have them draw the tens and ones for a number using a vertical rectangle to represent the tens and a small square for each one.

Here are some pictures of tens and ones work we have done in class.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Reading for Meaning

We have been working hard during Reader's Workshop.  We have been working on the students showing their thinking when they read.

We first tried this out in our focus lesson

Then students were given an exit ticket to try it on their own.  Here is a great example of this work.

This week we have worked on identifying story elements. Here are a few exit tickets we have done in class.  You can help your student by asking them to tell you about what they have read.  Have them identify the Title, Author, Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution, Beginning, Middle and End. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Math Mania

We are working on some very important standards in Math this week.  

We have discussed all the ways we can use strategies to help us with solving math problems.

Here is a chart that you can use with your child to help them at home.

At home you can help your child by making sure they know their numbers to 120.

We are also working on missing numbers.  Give your child a series of numbers and leave a few out.  Here is an example.

We are also working on tens and ones.  How many tens are in the number 54?  How many ones?  Give your child a few numbers to practice.  

Working at home with your child is an important part of their development and encourages them to think mathematically outside of school as well.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Meet Ms. Mounts

Well, we survived the first full week of school.  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend because Monday came in full force.  Some of you may know, or have heard about my coffee obsession.  I think it actually runs through my veins, Starbucks specifically.  A friend of mine sent me a picture today that I think speaks well for the day.

The kids came in ready to tell me all about their weekends.  Although I would love to hear them all, I did the teacherly thing and told them to save it for writing time.  We had a lot of learning to do today!

After a week in the classroom, I decided we needed to get better organized.  I switched to tables this year and man they have a lot of stuff!!  So I purchased 3 drawer organizers this weekend. 

If you happened to be at Target yesterday, you might of witnessed this...

 I think they worked out pretty well.  

To start us off, we took our second spelling pre test.  The kids did pretty well.  If they got 100% they do not have to  take the test on Friday.  The words were sent home today on their pre-test page.

I also have a class page set up on www.spellingcity.com  where students can go play games with this weeks words.  Search for Ms. Mounts and you will find my class.  We are on week 2.  

In reader's workshop, we are working on what a good reader looks like and sounds like.

A Good Reader
1.  Eye Spy the Pictures
2.  Say and Slide the word
3.  As, What would make sense?
4. Notice word parts.
5. Say the chunks.
6. Take words apart.
7. Flip the Sound
8. Ask, Does it look right and sound right?

During Writer's workshop we are working on adding to our story when we think we are done. 

Here is a picture from our lesson today.

In Math, we are working on learning math games for workshop time. We are also working on identifying tens and ones.  We took a unit pre test on Friday.  We are working hard to have 80% of the kiddos at 80% or higher.  Here are some pictures from the last few days in Math.

Happy Monday!!
Ms. Mounts

Monday, August 5, 2013

Unite for Literacy

Came across this wonderful website full of free digital books.  This is a wonderful resource for both home and school.  Check it out and read with your child.

Unite for Literacy